This Website was created to shine a light on the 22 year ongoing cover-up of Murray B. Cohen’s murder and deliberate denial of justice for his Florida family. As of January 13, 2025, his killer, Maria A. Amurrio, AKA Maria Cohen, the wife of three weeks has been allowed to escape justice. Amurrio is a protected drug informant for the state of Florida who stepped over the line. The more evidence Murray’s son uncovered, the more layers of government were brought in to shut down his fight for justice.
An empty bottle of a orderless fast acting water soluble lethal poison called Corazol causes respiratory failure and heart attacks, was found and inventoried by the authorities at the death scene. To this day, authorities have resisted an autopsy.
Murray’s son discovered his murder after making a public records request for a copy of the 911 call made by Amurrio on January 13, 2003 when she pretended to discovered him deceased during a peaceful afternoon nap. During the call, Amurrio told the 911 operator that he was not breathing and totally gone. Suddenly, Murray cried out and said, “you said you were going to get me an ambulance”. Immediately, the operator responded, “is he awake now?” Amurrio responded, “no”. As she was being instructed how to do CPR, Amurrio drops the phone and can be heard yelling at Murray numerous times to “give up”.
Numerous forensic audio experts who examined the recording all confirm not only is Murray alive when she said he was dead, but he is aware that he is being murdered. Right before Amurrio yells at him to give up, experts say the last words Murray said were, “you get away from me you are not going to kill me”. Amurrio responded, “too late.” Amurrio spent $170,000 out of Murray’s estate fighting exhumation of his body. The State of Florida classified the death as natural.
After obtaining media coverage, members of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) began to help the Sarasota Sheriff’s Office (SSO) with their cover-up by allowing evidence to be destroyed and falsifying their reports. FDLE did everything to protect the mastermind of the cover-up, Kurt Hoffman, who was elected Sheriff in 2020, personally destroyed evidence of the murder.
The FBI dealt a final death blow to Murray’s son’s fight for justice by fabricating and supplying a false audio report of the 911 call made by Amurrio. This false report allowed Amurrio to escape being held accountable in the probate court and the criminal court.
As American citizens, Murray’s family has the right for justice, closure and a FBI report that reflect the truth of what happened to Murray Cohen on January 13, 2003. Maria A. Amurrio, A.K.A Maria Cohen, needs to be brought to justice.
The next morning, Murray's son called the Sarasota FBI field office and spoke with Supervisor Tom Baugher. After telling Baugher that Detective Ferguson confirmed on the air SSO was covering up the murder, he asked Baugher, "In the name of justice being served can you please make contact with Ferguson?" He replied no.
This is an audio/video transcript of the 911 call made by Maria Amurrio the day Murray Cohen died. Numerous audio forensic experts confirm Murray was alive and pleading for an ambulance when Maria Amurrio reported to the 911 operator Murray was not speaking, breathing, and "totally gone".
Let Murray's killer describe her employment background in her home country of Bolivia before immigrating to the USA:
July 4, 2019
On June 6, 2019, Kurt A. Hoffman filed with the Sarasota Supervisor of Elections, to be a candidate for Sarasota Sheriff in 2020. Hoffman is one of a few in the State of Florida who wears two hats at the same time. He is an active Attorney and Law Enforcement officer at the Sarasota Sheriff’s Office.
He attended the FBI academy in Quantico,Virginia to enhance his resume and hone his law enforcement skills. Hoffman is a direct threat to justice and rule of law being served in the jurisdiction of Sarasota County. He purposefully and intentionally destroyed evidence of the torture killing of Murray B. Cohen which took place on Siesta Key, January 13, 2003.
Hoffman used his skills as an attorney and highly trained police officer to break the system and thwart justice from ever being served for Murray’s Florida family. Hoffman is a disgrace to honest law enforcement and everything the United States of America is suppose to stand for. Kurt A. Hoffman is the last person on this earth who should become a sheriff anywhere in America.
Shortly after Murray Cohen’s son Steven discovered his father did not die a natural death as SSO declared, he started his own investigation. Steven obtained a court order from the Twelfth Circuit Court, ordering SSO to preserve the hard drive containing the 911 call made by Murray’s wife of three weeks. He also obtained a court order compelling SSO to turn over the digital original copy of the 911 call in question. Instead, a 4th generation altered cassette copy was all SSO would provide.
Murray’s family hired a computer expert to go in to the Sarasota communications center and retrieve an original copy directly from the hard drive. Sheriff’s Counsel, Kurt A. Hoffman was in charge in facilitating access to the hard drive. After a sixteen hour examination which took place in front of Hoffman, the certified computer expert discovered all the 911 calls made on the day of Murray Cohen’s death were surgically and deliberately deleted from the hard drive and the back up auxiliary recorder. Hoffman was made aware of the expert’s findings and he refused to bring in the FBI or Florida Department of Law Enforcement to investigated who violated the Court orders and destroyed evidence of murder.
After the local newspaper, Sarasota Herald Tribune refused to investigate the blatant destruction of evidence, Murray’s son turned to the Orlando Sentinel for help. After telling his story, reporter, Jim Stratton was assigned. Stratton made a public records request to SSO for a copy of the 911 call made directly from the digital original. Days later, Hoffman provided the Orlando Sentinel with the same 4th generation altered cassette tape which was previously given to Murray’s son. After receiving the altered evidence, Reporter Stratton made a second Public Records request. This time, for access to the hard drive so that they bring in a forensic computer expert who specialized in deep recovery of deleted data, in an attempt to retrieve the deleted call.
On the same day of the pending 2nd Orlando Sentinel Public Records request for access, Hoffman obtained an ex-parte court order behind the Esdale’s attorney’s back allowing him to destroy the hard drive. The next day, Hoffman had the hard drive picked up, whisked out of town and destroyed. His actions have allowed a stone cold blooded killer to remain on the streets and possibly claim another elderly victim.
Kurt A. Hoffman - AKA
The "Problem Solver"
Learn more about how Murray died
Read here about how the FBI, FDLE, and SSO covered up Murray's murder
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